MARDAN: Provincial Minister for Higher Education Meena Khan Afridi on Wednesday pledged that the provincial government is committed to transforming the education system of the province by devising effective policies.
The education minister visited Abdul Wali Khan University in Mardan, where he inaugurated the boys’ hostel at the Garden Campus.
On this occasion, members of the provincial assembly Tufail Anjum, Zarshad Khan and provincial president ISF Ashfaq Marwat were also with him.
During the visit, the provincial minister reviewed various issues related to educational facilities, research projects and student welfare at the university.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Zahir Shah gave him a detailed briefing on the performance and achievements of the university. He said that Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan has secured the first position in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the recent world ranking, which is a testament to the excellent performance of the university.
Currently, more than 17,000 students are studying at the university, which shows the confidence of the people of the province and Mardan in the institution.
Meena Khan Afridi added that the process of appointing permanent vice-chancellors in the province is going on rapidly, however, the current pro-vice-chancellors are also performing well.
He announced that the higher education budget will be increased this year, which will help overcome the 80% financial crisis.
In addition, the provincial government is going to introduce a new system of ranking universities and colleges, which will further improve the quality of education.
Also read: Serious irregularities in TMA Mardan, loss of crores to the national exchequer.
Earlier, Provincial Minister for Higher Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Meena Khan Afridi also attended the eighth foundation day ceremony of Women University Mardan.
Provincial Minister for Higher Education Meena Khan Afridi has said that the affairs of universities are being linked to performance.
Along with improving financial sustainability and management, a new ranking system is being introduced, which will bring significant changes in the higher education sector.
Addressing the ceremony, the Provincial Minister for Higher Education said that the provincial government is giving importance to the promotion of higher education.
Our government has made a lot of progress in one year to resolve the financial issues of universities and through financial management and sustainability mechanisms in universities, the financial issues of universities will improve. Training workshops are being organized for all universities.
He said that the provincial government will provide Rs100 million this year for the completion of the new building of Women’s University Mardan, which will make it possible to conduct classes in the new building from the next session of the university.