ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Finance has announced a reduction in fuel prices. High-speed diesel will be Rs5.31, and Petrol Rs0.50 per liter. The new prices will be effective from 12, midnight for the next 15 days.
According to the notification issued by the government, the price of petrol per liter has been reduced by 50 paise, after which the new price of petrol has been fixed at Rs 255.63 paise.
Similarly, the price of high-speed diesel has been reduced by Rs 5.31 paise, after which its new price became Rs 258.64 paise.
The price of kerosene has been reduced by Rs 3.53 paise, after which the new price has been fixed at Rs 168.12 paise.
After a reduction in the price of light diesel oil by Rs 2.47 paise, its new price has been Rs 153.34 paise.
According to the Ministry of Finance, this reduction in the prices of petroleum products has been made in the context of the decline in prices in the global market to provide relief to the public.
These new prices will remain in effect for 15 days.