Russian national hunts Ibex ‘Markhor’ in Chitral

Russian national hunts Markhor

CHITRAL: A Russian national, Alexey Kim, hunted down an animal of 14 years of age, whose horns measured 55 inches, in Singoor Doke area, which buffered the Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP).
An official of the wildlife division said that the non-exportable trophy hunt was unique in respect of both the size of the horn and the age of the animal. The previous highest record was 53 inches, and the age was 10 years.
He said that due to the successful conservation strategy involving the local community, the population of Kashmir Markhor, once declared to be an endangered species, had attained a satisfactory numerical strength, while the hunter did not face any difficulty in finding a trophy of the desired size and age.

Read also: Russian national pays 20 million to hunt Markhor in Chitral
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